Blood tests are an essential part of diagnosing what is ailing your pet, just as they are in human medicine. Bloodwork is the "picture window" that allows us to take a look inside your pet's body, evaluating internal health and organ function. It also helps us efficiently facilitate treatment to get your pet on the road to recovery. Blood tests are also a valuable tool for young pets - establishing baseline values and detecting early changes that can help prevent your pet from becoming sick in the future.

Common blood tests used by veterinarians

CBC - Red blood cells are used to determine a number of factors. The packed red blood cell count can detect a condition called polycythemia. A high count indicates dehydration, while a low count can be an indicator of anemia. The hemoglobin concentration test measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of your pet's blood, and the red blood cell count can tell us how well your pet's body is functioning. Testing the white blood cells is equally useful. A high white blood cell count is indicative of infection, whereas a low white blood cell count can mean a weakened immune system. A CBC also checks platelet numbers, evaluating your pet's ability to clot before surgical and dental procedures.

CHEMISTRY - A blood chemistry analysis tells us about organ health and allows us to evaluate liver function, kidney function, electrolytes, and protein levels. Abnormalities can provide a wealth of information - diagnosing liver or kidney disease, toxin ingestion, GI disorders, cancer, and endocrine disorders just to name a few.

THYROID TESTING - Hypothyroidism is most common in dogs, whereas hyperthyroidism is most commonly seen in cats. Dogs that are hypothyroid may experience weight gain, lethargy, thinning hair/hair loss, and recurring infections. Hyperthyroid cats have clinical signs such as weight loss, appetite changes, elevated heart rate, restlessness, and heart disease that increases their risk for blood clots.


Benefits of in-house diagnostics and bloodwork

When your pet is sick, you don't want to wait days to get the results of blood tests! Our in-house diagnostic laboratory allows us to quickly detect abnormalities and begin treatment for your pet. We also have a relationship with an outside laboratory that can perform more complicated and extensive testing if necessary. This allows us to send biopsy and cytology samples to be evaluated by a board-certified pathologist.

Having a sick pet can be scary and stressful. After all, they are part of your family! Our job is to ease some of your anxiety and get your pet on the road to recovery. 

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